Sunday, January 24, 2010


Subject:  Bodies
Quote:  “I do think…that our girls and boys nowadays lead a much more natural healthy life.  They just romp about together and they—well, they—“ Mrs. Gardener blushed slightly for she had a nice mind—“they think nothing of it, if you know what I mean?”
            “I do know,” said Hercule Poirot.  “It is deplorable!… To remove all the romance—all the mystery!  To-day everything is standardized!”  He waved a hand towards the recumbent figures [sun bathers].  “That reminds me very much of the Morgue in Paris!… Bodies—arranged on slabs—like butcher’s meat!”
Character:  Mrs. Gardener and M. Hercule Poirot
Chapter/Story:  1
Book Title/Copyright:  Evil Under the Sun, 1941